Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Giveaway has been won!
Well I compliled all the names from the vairous places, fb groups, messages, blogs, etc into a list. Then I fished a d20 out of my bag of dice and rolled. It landed on the #7, which means the winner is Lesleyanne Smith! Congratulations!
I will be doing other giveaways in the future, so stay tuned and thanks to all who participated!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Giveaway RAK
Ok it's time for the reveal! (Other than when I accidentally named the clue too closely to the chart)
I sent my friend a few charts, oh probably 8 or 10, that I thought she might like. There were various charts where tea or tea cups were involved. Plus the alien cat SK I made for her. Since she loves tea. And this was her first choice.
I thought it was perfect. It has a tea cup and reminds me of Paddington bear. Which is spot on for London. :)
So the list opens up now! Either post a comment or email me or message me on facebook.
I sent my friend a few charts, oh probably 8 or 10, that I thought she might like. There were various charts where tea or tea cups were involved. Plus the alien cat SK I made for her. Since she loves tea. And this was her first choice.

I thought it was perfect. It has a tea cup and reminds me of Paddington bear. Which is spot on for London. :)
So the list opens up now! Either post a comment or email me or message me on facebook.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
It's a SAL! And a dilema.
Wait, another one? Why yes! Yes it is. I adore SALs, it's so much fun knowing that someone else is also working on the same piece you are, so you're not alone. That's why every year, I was annoyed with myself for missing the HAED BB deadline to sign up. Especially with last years, as one of the SKs was Ice Wind I, which of course, is what Corsira will look like when she's all grown up.*
Ok so what is this one?
Well . . . actually two, really.
The first is one I will be doing with a facebook friend, Valerie. I had gotten the HAED Ballet Shoes as my $200 reward chart. I used to work at a local dance school and have always thought toe shoes are beautiful. Plus . . . 14 or 15 colors, so that's good. Valerie saw my picture I posted and said she thought that would be perfect for one of her granddaughters. :) So I was like, hey wanna do a SAL. And she thought that was a great idea. I found a lovely piece of light blue 20-ct lugana - I adore that fabric, I would love to have about 30 bolts of it . . . ah well I must stop drooling over the keyboard and finish my blog. So, now I just have to wait until she's got everything together and we pick a start date. Not sure when that'll be, but that's ok, I've got loads of other projects which want to be stitched.
This is Ballet Shoes:

Pretty isn't it?
This one isn't a SAL, but I'm soooo tempted to start it. It's called Expecting and I have a lovely piece of 25 ct light blue lugana and all the floss for it. I just don't have the pattern actually printed out. But I sooooo would love to stitch her. (While I'm thinking about Ballet Shoes, I kitted both of them up at the same time, so I think of them as a pair.)
Ok so what's the other SAL? Why it's a Shinysun SAL! Shinysun is another cross stitch design company that I positively drool over. I had realized that they didn't have a facebook group and I thought that was kind of sad, so I had to fix that. I started the Shinysun group and it was going along rather nicely. Then I got the idea of a Shinysun SAL, cause you know, I love SALs. Plus, I wanted someone to stitch a Shinysun with me. So I had originally thought hey why not post this on the group and see if anyone else is interested. There seems to be an interest. I had also originally thought, we all pick one from a list and then stitch it, kind of like how the HAED BB SAL is organized, just we buy our pattern up front, instead of being emailed one page at a time, that sort of thing. Then we can all work at our own pace, etc.
Eventually, we decided on everybody doing their own Shinysun pattern of choice and posting weekly pictures. The only other guideline is that it starts January 1st so people can decide on what they want to stitch. It doesn't have to be a new purchase - it can be one you already have in your stash - but I'm kind of like ooooh a "legit" reason for stash enhancement! lol I do really like the 5 I've got in my stash, but I also rather like the ones I suggested for the original concept of the SAL.
So we are calling this SAL "New Year, New Start SAL" . . . I kind of think between this and the "End of Year Finish" (sort of) SAL, this might become an annual event. lol Which would be kind of neat. The EoYF would be where you try to finish the piece by the last day of the year; I kind of enjoyed finishing SK Courage on Dec. 31, 2011, it was a nice feeling to finish something on the last day of the year. I might even finish most of something earlier, just to be able to pull it out and put the last few stitches in it right before midnight. Oh yeah, I'm a party animal there. Oh and the cool thing of this SAL? The owner/designer of Shinysun, Dawn, is going to also participate in this . . . how cool is that? lol She won't reveal her choice until it starts though so it's all mysteeeeerious.
So . . . what's my dilema? It's not do I get a new pattern or stitch from stash? Though that was a question I was debating about, I reslly do want a new pattern to stitch for the NYNSS. So . . . what to pick? What to pick?
The choices have been narrowed to two at the moment - I had six I rather liked, but these are the top two contenders.
Single Iris Flower (Lachri):

I would want to stitch this on a dark purple swirly sort of hand dyed fabric (which I'd dye myself), rather than on black. I wouldn't stitch all that black. Of course, that makes me then think of the WWS Tribal Mouse pattern I want to stitch on the same sort of purple hand dyed background but with silver #4 (or possibly #8) braid.
Spectrum (Lindsey Cormier){
I think she looks like a pin-up girl from the 40s/50s. I can so picture her on this piece of African daisy jubilee I have (hopefully, it'd be big enough, not that she's a large pattern, I just don't remember how big that piece I have is).
See my dilema?! lol I keep going back and forth between these two the most and I can so picture both of them stitched up and framed and on my wall. I am thinking of adding some blending filament to each one, like the flower of the iris and the wings of the fairy. Actually, I'm thinking of ordering both patterns and then letting them fight it out in a death match arena or something like that. Well maybe not death arena, but getting both and figuring it out come January 1st.
So . . . which one should I pick?
Ok so what is this one?
Well . . . actually two, really.
The first is one I will be doing with a facebook friend, Valerie. I had gotten the HAED Ballet Shoes as my $200 reward chart. I used to work at a local dance school and have always thought toe shoes are beautiful. Plus . . . 14 or 15 colors, so that's good. Valerie saw my picture I posted and said she thought that would be perfect for one of her granddaughters. :) So I was like, hey wanna do a SAL. And she thought that was a great idea. I found a lovely piece of light blue 20-ct lugana - I adore that fabric, I would love to have about 30 bolts of it . . . ah well I must stop drooling over the keyboard and finish my blog. So, now I just have to wait until she's got everything together and we pick a start date. Not sure when that'll be, but that's ok, I've got loads of other projects which want to be stitched.
This is Ballet Shoes:

Pretty isn't it?
This one isn't a SAL, but I'm soooo tempted to start it. It's called Expecting and I have a lovely piece of 25 ct light blue lugana and all the floss for it. I just don't have the pattern actually printed out. But I sooooo would love to stitch her. (While I'm thinking about Ballet Shoes, I kitted both of them up at the same time, so I think of them as a pair.)

Ok so what's the other SAL? Why it's a Shinysun SAL! Shinysun is another cross stitch design company that I positively drool over. I had realized that they didn't have a facebook group and I thought that was kind of sad, so I had to fix that. I started the Shinysun group and it was going along rather nicely. Then I got the idea of a Shinysun SAL, cause you know, I love SALs. Plus, I wanted someone to stitch a Shinysun with me. So I had originally thought hey why not post this on the group and see if anyone else is interested. There seems to be an interest. I had also originally thought, we all pick one from a list and then stitch it, kind of like how the HAED BB SAL is organized, just we buy our pattern up front, instead of being emailed one page at a time, that sort of thing. Then we can all work at our own pace, etc.
Eventually, we decided on everybody doing their own Shinysun pattern of choice and posting weekly pictures. The only other guideline is that it starts January 1st so people can decide on what they want to stitch. It doesn't have to be a new purchase - it can be one you already have in your stash - but I'm kind of like ooooh a "legit" reason for stash enhancement! lol I do really like the 5 I've got in my stash, but I also rather like the ones I suggested for the original concept of the SAL.
So we are calling this SAL "New Year, New Start SAL" . . . I kind of think between this and the "End of Year Finish" (sort of) SAL, this might become an annual event. lol Which would be kind of neat. The EoYF would be where you try to finish the piece by the last day of the year; I kind of enjoyed finishing SK Courage on Dec. 31, 2011, it was a nice feeling to finish something on the last day of the year. I might even finish most of something earlier, just to be able to pull it out and put the last few stitches in it right before midnight. Oh yeah, I'm a party animal there. Oh and the cool thing of this SAL? The owner/designer of Shinysun, Dawn, is going to also participate in this . . . how cool is that? lol She won't reveal her choice until it starts though so it's all mysteeeeerious.
So . . . what's my dilema? It's not do I get a new pattern or stitch from stash? Though that was a question I was debating about, I reslly do want a new pattern to stitch for the NYNSS. So . . . what to pick? What to pick?
The choices have been narrowed to two at the moment - I had six I rather liked, but these are the top two contenders.
Single Iris Flower (Lachri):

I would want to stitch this on a dark purple swirly sort of hand dyed fabric (which I'd dye myself), rather than on black. I wouldn't stitch all that black. Of course, that makes me then think of the WWS Tribal Mouse pattern I want to stitch on the same sort of purple hand dyed background but with silver #4 (or possibly #8) braid.
Spectrum (Lindsey Cormier){

I think she looks like a pin-up girl from the 40s/50s. I can so picture her on this piece of African daisy jubilee I have (hopefully, it'd be big enough, not that she's a large pattern, I just don't remember how big that piece I have is).
See my dilema?! lol I keep going back and forth between these two the most and I can so picture both of them stitched up and framed and on my wall. I am thinking of adding some blending filament to each one, like the flower of the iris and the wings of the fairy. Actually, I'm thinking of ordering both patterns and then letting them fight it out in a death match arena or something like that. Well maybe not death arena, but getting both and figuring it out come January 1st.
So . . . which one should I pick?
Last piece of twine

Ok . . . this is the last week before it's announced officially what the chart is.
The last clue is . . .
The subject reminds me of a certain beloved British storybook character, there is even a train station with the same name.
Yup that's the last clue, I know lots of people know what it is due to my oops naming the picture snaffoo, but we're going with it anyway. Next week is the reveal and the signup to be in the drawing will open. The drawing itself will be on my friend's birthday. I will have her pick a number (I'll randomly put them on a spreadsheet, might even "hat" them to put them on the spreadsheet) and number them) and that person will win. :)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Finished Tribal Moon
As I said last post, I have indeed finished the tribal moon picture. Yay go me! I took a pic with the good camera today so here it is!
I stitched this on 20-count black lugana over 1 with 2 strands of DMC E940, which is the glow-in-the-dark thread that they make. This was a SAL with my friend Angella, who finished hers in 3 days . . . speedy thing, she is. lol I started this on September 3, 2012, and finished it October 1, 2012. It is a wonderful little pattern and I do recommend it to anyone.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Backordered twine?
Ok I just realized oh crap I forgot to do this week's clue.
Ok and again, if you remember what the oops with the picture clue from last week was, please wait to post until next week when the last clue will be given. 'Cause my bad from last week.
Ok in other news . . . I have a finish & two starts. The finish is of course, my White Willow Stitching chart, Tribal Moon. This is the one I was doing as a SAL with my friend Angella because we both thought it was of the nifty and glow-in-the-dark thread! This is also the second WWS I have finished. I still have Legend and Tribal Butterfly that are UFOs. So I didn't quite make my goal of by October, but I blame two days I didn't get much done, so if I'd stitched more those days, I would have. Well either way, I started it Sept. 23, 2012, and finished it October 1, 2012. And it looks quite cool. I was originally thinking I'd put it in a silver frame, but I kind of think maybe a wall hanging might just be in order. I am tempted by the various Halloweeny sorts of fabric I have - I think I've got a cool moon one or maybe it's got bats, but then again, that would mean it'd only be displayed once a year. And the tribal moon is just too cool for that. So . . . what to do, what to do . . . ah well I've time to decide. I'll post a good picture when the camera is charged, rather than the crappy looking one I took with my cell phone.
Ok so that was the finish - yay a finish - what about the starts? I know, not really progress towards decreasing UFO/WIPs, but on the other hand I reaaaally wanted to start them.
The first is a pattern I found years ago (I forget how many, maybe 2005ish(?)) off of eBay. It's a mermaid with a blue tail and aqua-colored hair, where she's not facing the viewer. It also has various sea life and bubbles. It originally called for a bunch of black as the background, like to be stitched. Um no. So I gridded it with the yellow line I got not realizing it wouldn't work. (I'm waiting for the red line . . . hurry up and deliver it!) I had had the pattern for years and had gotten my original piece of 20-ct black lugana to test out the leaving out the black stitches with SK Oriental Courage. I didn't want to use the whole thing on that one project since it didn't need that big of a piee. So I was like heeeyyyyy . . . I could use it for the mermaid . . . and it's been designated thusly ever since.
Last year, when I still had a (temp) job, I was working on soooo much overtime on the indexing project, I had decided I should reward myself. Sooo what better than splurging and getting all the floss needed for several patterns? Afterall, it ended up being about $100 - $120, tho that is a looot of floss. lol I got enough for two Mystic Stitch patterns, House Work and Night Shade II (since retired), and this eBay mermaid. So it'd been sitting a long while and a month or two ago I finally gathered all her bits together and put them in a ziplock bag. But hadn't started her. I had a yen to grid something with that yellow, so why not the aqua mermaid? It took me 4 hours (180 by 252 stitches), which isn't bad at all, plus considering the fact it was on black fabric. Then of course, I had to start it.
Very dark blue and green is not easy see on black fabric late at night.
Ok so the other new start - which I totall was going to eventually do anyway - is a HAED, QS Rose Fairy. Yes, another HAED, what can I say, I'm addicted to them. I have a very specific reason for this one (which I'm sure I've mentioned before). I am stitching her in memory of my Grandma K, who passed away in April 2011. She loved butterflies and the colors are very fall-like. So I knew I would eventually stitch this. I stitched the one in memory of granny for my sister - my first WWS piece called Rosefly. But I hadn't done mine. I got all the #4 braid done - all 18 stitches of it lol . . . the hard bit was finding them all. But I also got a few sections of a red done. I'm stitching it on 20-ct black lugana, which I love, so I won't have to stitch the black.

Ok and again, if you remember what the oops with the picture clue from last week was, please wait to post until next week when the last clue will be given. 'Cause my bad from last week.

Ok in other news . . . I have a finish & two starts. The finish is of course, my White Willow Stitching chart, Tribal Moon. This is the one I was doing as a SAL with my friend Angella because we both thought it was of the nifty and glow-in-the-dark thread! This is also the second WWS I have finished. I still have Legend and Tribal Butterfly that are UFOs. So I didn't quite make my goal of by October, but I blame two days I didn't get much done, so if I'd stitched more those days, I would have. Well either way, I started it Sept. 23, 2012, and finished it October 1, 2012. And it looks quite cool. I was originally thinking I'd put it in a silver frame, but I kind of think maybe a wall hanging might just be in order. I am tempted by the various Halloweeny sorts of fabric I have - I think I've got a cool moon one or maybe it's got bats, but then again, that would mean it'd only be displayed once a year. And the tribal moon is just too cool for that. So . . . what to do, what to do . . . ah well I've time to decide. I'll post a good picture when the camera is charged, rather than the crappy looking one I took with my cell phone.
Ok so that was the finish - yay a finish - what about the starts? I know, not really progress towards decreasing UFO/WIPs, but on the other hand I reaaaally wanted to start them.
The first is a pattern I found years ago (I forget how many, maybe 2005ish(?)) off of eBay. It's a mermaid with a blue tail and aqua-colored hair, where she's not facing the viewer. It also has various sea life and bubbles. It originally called for a bunch of black as the background, like to be stitched. Um no. So I gridded it with the yellow line I got not realizing it wouldn't work. (I'm waiting for the red line . . . hurry up and deliver it!) I had had the pattern for years and had gotten my original piece of 20-ct black lugana to test out the leaving out the black stitches with SK Oriental Courage. I didn't want to use the whole thing on that one project since it didn't need that big of a piee. So I was like heeeyyyyy . . . I could use it for the mermaid . . . and it's been designated thusly ever since.
Last year, when I still had a (temp) job, I was working on soooo much overtime on the indexing project, I had decided I should reward myself. Sooo what better than splurging and getting all the floss needed for several patterns? Afterall, it ended up being about $100 - $120, tho that is a looot of floss. lol I got enough for two Mystic Stitch patterns, House Work and Night Shade II (since retired), and this eBay mermaid. So it'd been sitting a long while and a month or two ago I finally gathered all her bits together and put them in a ziplock bag. But hadn't started her. I had a yen to grid something with that yellow, so why not the aqua mermaid? It took me 4 hours (180 by 252 stitches), which isn't bad at all, plus considering the fact it was on black fabric. Then of course, I had to start it.
Very dark blue and green is not easy see on black fabric late at night.
Ok so the other new start - which I totall was going to eventually do anyway - is a HAED, QS Rose Fairy. Yes, another HAED, what can I say, I'm addicted to them. I have a very specific reason for this one (which I'm sure I've mentioned before). I am stitching her in memory of my Grandma K, who passed away in April 2011. She loved butterflies and the colors are very fall-like. So I knew I would eventually stitch this. I stitched the one in memory of granny for my sister - my first WWS piece called Rosefly. But I hadn't done mine. I got all the #4 braid done - all 18 stitches of it lol . . . the hard bit was finding them all. But I also got a few sections of a red done. I'm stitching it on 20-ct black lugana, which I love, so I won't have to stitch the black.
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